13-15 Nov 2013 Rennes (France)



Since 1999, G2 community gathers researchers from various fields interested in the understanding geophysical processes. The annual colloquium pushes scientific discussion and collaboration.

This year, the colloquium will be held in Rennes (Brittany, France), with a focus on themes of interest for the host laboratory, Geosciences Rennes.

This year, 4 themes are proposed :

1. Hydrogeodesy, introduced by Andreas Güntner (GFZ Potsdam)

2. Deep Earth and geodynamics, introduced by Véronique Dehant (Observatoire Royal de Belgique)

3. GNSS tools and methods, introduced by Rüdiger Haas (Chalmers University of Technology)

4. Open theme, essential

The participation is free, but registration is required before October 15th !


L'équipe organisatrice:

Frédérique Moreau

Olivier Dauteuil

Laurent Longuevergne

Online user: 1